Master Degree in Mathematics
The Master Degree programme in Mathematics is generally completed within 4 semesters. At the end of your successful studies you will have a Master of Science. The prerequisite for this programme is a Bachelor degree either in mathematics or in another science with a comparable level of mathematical skills, like Business Mathematics or Physics.
In order to complete the Master Degree programme successfully you will have to acquire 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points. You will also need to write a Master’s thesis within the period of one semester. The subject of the Master’s thesis has to be taken from the research areas of the Department of Mathematics:
- Algebraic Geometry
- Analysis, Mathematical Physics and Numerics
- Differential Geometry and Topology, Geometry and Topology
- Stochastics and Financial Mathematics
You must have completed a Bachelor Degree with a grade point average of 3.3 or better.
The following documents are required in order to receive the confirmation:
- cover letter
- curriculum vitae
- transcript of records or a copy of your Bachelor Degree certificate
Please send the completed admission form
by 1st March: for starting in the summer term
by 1st September: for starting in the winter term
to the following address:
Mathematisches Institut der Universität München Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren Theresienstraße 39 80333 München |
Please also note the information provided by the Office of the University Registrar. It may also be necessary to register there.
Here you will find an overview for foreign degree students at the University of Munich.
Additional Information
If you have any further questions regarding the Master Degree Programme in Mathematics please contact Student Counselling.