Department of Mathematics

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WAP Computer Network

User ID

In order to use a workstation computer (WAP) at the Department of Mathematics you will need a user ID. For this purpose please fill in the forms Benutzerantrag (application for user ID) and Einwilligungserklärung für die Veröffentlichung von
dienstlichen Daten
(Declaration of Agreement for the publication of official data) (english guidelines are available on request) and have the "Benutzerantrag" signed by a member of the research staff permanently employed at the Department. In signing this form you agree to comply with the User Guidelines for Data Processing Systems at LMU as well as the User Guidelines for the WAP Computer Network. The computing centre will then assign you a user ID. It is also possible to get an ID for the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ).

ID Renewal

The WAP IDs of temporary staff members are only valid for the duration of the fixed-term contract. In case your contract is extended, the ID can be renewed by signing the above form anew.

Automatic Notification

Via email you will be automatically notified about two months before your ID is due to expire.

Further Information

In the intranet there is an online documentation with information you might need: wapdoku